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5 Signs Telling You That Your Baby Needs A Larger Diaper

Posted by Baby by Jitta on

Baby Jaylene with his Bosomi diapers & Bosomi Babycare Wet Wipes
Credits: @jamieseah

Are your baby’s diapers too tight?
In this blog, we will be discussing
5 signs that tell you whether it is time to buy a size larger.

1. If you find it difficult to put a diaper on around the waist (i.e the tabs are too hard to connect), it is a sign your baby has outgrown his/her diapers.


Baby Koyouri wearing Bosomi Pants in Size L (Look at the lovely print in pink for girls)
Credits: @koyourichan
2. If leakage becomes a frequent occurrence, it is a sign that your baby’s “business” has become too much for the diaper to hold. So, if you find yourself cleaning up after your baby’s leaked messes, it might be time to buy a larger diaper.



3. Red lines and marks around your baby’s thighs after putting a diaper on can also be a sign. Diapers have elastic straps around the thighs of the baby to ensure that leakage does not occur. These straps are only slightly elastic as to ensure that there is a tight seal around the baby’s thighs. As a result, diapers that are too small for a baby can often cause the straps to wrap around the baby’s thighs way too tight and this will cause red marks and lines.


Baby Koyouri wearing Bosomi Pants in Size L, getting ready for bath time!
Credits: @koyourichan


4. If the diapers no longer cover up as much of your baby’s bottom as it used to, it is a sign that your baby has started to outgrow his/her diapers. Diapers that are unable to fully cover up a baby’s bottom can often cause issues such as leaks and blowouts.


5. Lastly, the weight and age of you baby can often help to give an estimate of what size diapers your baby should be wearing. By simply referring to the details on the package of the diapers, you will know the size of diaper suitable for the weight range of your baby. This is the simplest and most accurate indicator of whether your baby’s diapers are too small.


Bosomi Diapers in Pants styles starts from Size L onwards!
Credits: @koyourichan


By looking out for these 5 signs, you can tell whether or not it’s about time to up the size of your baby’s diapers. Ensuring that your baby’s diapers are suitable for him/her, will keep them happy and comfortable. It also ensures that you do not need to go through the pain of cleaning up after their leaks and blowouts.

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